About us

By digitizing companies, we help gain an edge through innovation

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Founder words

The whole story started on the way in the car, when I was rushing after clients, thinking how to handle all tasks, starting with the recruitment of employees, their arrival and the entire human resources management, ending with statistics and reporting ...

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How it started

Young but experienced team started working on HR cloud software to make life easier. We wanted to help with automation that saves time by making it easier to get the information you need with a single click. This way you can leave everything you need on our platform and enjoy your free time that you get.

Beginning of a digital story

The idea was born long before we started this path of development. At that time, there was no viable alternative on the market to help us overcome the daily pitfalls of work with easy to use and at a fair price. The whole story started on the road in the car when I was rushing after clients, thinking about how to handle all tasks, from recruiting, onboarding and all human resources management to statistics and reporting. After some time I came to the conclusion that creating such software will make life easier and more enjoyable for many people who appreciate the fast and automated work of everyday tasks without much effort.

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Exceptional platform

Thanks to our unique software PULSAWORK you will finally enjoy your time. Automation will take care of your daily tasks, so you can focus on more important things. Digitization, information on demand anytime and anywhere is here for you thanks to PULSAWORK.

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