Financial controlling in a few clicks

#finance #controlling #cashflow #transactions #costcenters

Without Excel, automated, clear, in a few clicks, and everything in between.

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Financial Management by Pulsawork

Optimized management along with interconnected data makes sense in easy usability and integration with a comprehensive package of invoices, orders, banking, and accounting programs.


In our program, we guarantee a simple and effective invoice management. Our interconnected platform allows for the synchronization of invoices with orders and bank payments, providing a clear and reliable view of your financial transactions.

  • Overview of issued and received invoices
  • Digital archive of original received invoices
  • Multi-level approval
  • Interconnected invoices with orders
  • Control of invoice allocation to cost centers
  • Automatic matching with banks
  • Visualization of paid and unpaid invoices
  • Daily, weekly, and monthly cashflow summaries
  • Exports and imports to accounting programs POHODA, OMEGA, MK SOFT

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graph trending up
order statistics table totals


In our Pulsawork platform, we have created an efficient and clear system for order management. With our tool, you can easily create, track, and process orders with minimal effort. Our integrated platform allows for smooth data transfer between orders and invoices, simplifying the entire order management process and optimizing workflow in your organization.

  • Easy creation of received and sent orders
  • Storage of documents and confirmations related to orders
  • Monitoring the status of orders
  • Tracking the fulfillment status of orders
  • Integration with logistics, invoicing, and the item system
  • Order templates for segments such as Recruitment, Agency Employment, Business Orders, Provision of Time and Task Services, Transport, and Freight Orders
  • Order journal for a combination of various types of orders and a chronological overview

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Payments and Banks

The integrated platform Pulsawork brings efficiency and clarity to your financial transactions. Manage payments and banking operations with ease using our optimized tools, ensuring seamless and secure financial management.

  • Secure Payment Processing.
  • Integration with the Bank.
  • Perform Multiple Account Operations at Once.
  • Automated Preparation of Payment Orders.
  • Real-Time Financial Overviews.
  • History of Invoices and Payments.
  • Payments up to 500 Orders at Once.
  • 2-Factor Security for Payment Confirmation.
  • Initiation of Payments Directly from the PULSAWORK Platform to Tatra Banka.
  • Integration with Banks (ČSOB, SLSP, VÚB, Raiffeisen, Fio, UniCredit, Air bank, Komerční banka, Unicredit CZ, Fio CZ, Česká spořitelna, ČSOB CZ).

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bank transactions
cost centers graph

Cost Centers

A unique integration of HR and Finance gives you a comprehensive overview of the entire company at your fingertips. Cost centers show you expenses and revenues by individual departments, projects, or business units. A unique holding view of consolidated results provides a realistic picture of the functioning of your entire group of companies.

  • Visible and clear expenses and revenues categorized into individual categories.
  • Filtering across individual parameters and time periods.
  • Ability to display by departments, projects, business units.
  • Consolidated holding view for a comprehensive picture of the financial health of companies.

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Why digitize with us?

See what you can achieve through data centralization, digitalization, and automation.


of saved costs after
implementations GPS monitoring


of time saved on
CV processing


saved processing costs on
invoice matching

4D → 1,5D

necessary controlling
at work

7D → 1D

shortening approval of
received invoices

10D → 2,5D

shortening the time of cash cheque
inclusion into cost centers


average savings
per month on expense controlling


average savings
per month in the HR department

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