GENERAL Terms and Conditions

(hereinafter “VOP”)


These VOP regulate the rights and obligations of the contracting parties and their mutual contractual relationship

in the provision of services via the portal


Provider is the operator of the portal and of other portals on other domains, and provides services related to process management in companies through a software application as well as related services, all under the conditions set forth in these VOP.


Customer means a natural person – a sole trader – or a legal entity who completes an order for services on the portal via the order form published on the website (hereinafter “Customer”). The Customer undertakes to operate the software application at his/her own risk.


Provider’s Price List forms an annex to this agreement and is simultaneously available at  (hereinafter “Provider’s Price List”).


Article 1

Subject Matter of the Contractual Relationship


  1. The Provider shall provide the Customer with, inter alia, services consisting of creating and operating process management for candidates for employment, employees, business partners, and end customers of the Customer, under the conditions set forth in these VOP.
  2. The Provider enables the Customer to use the web interface for the purpose of creating an application for process management in the company.
  3. The subject of the contract may also include:
  1. ongoing updates,
  2. technical support,
  3. additional services and other services according to the Customer’s choice via the order form on the Provider’s website.
  1. The aforementioned services ordered via the order form on the website are rendered for a fee, according to the current Provider’s Price List, except for services provided during the trial period pursuant to Article 7 of these VOP.
  2. The Customer shall have the right to use all the services offered and ordered.
  3. By registering, the Customer authorizes the Provider to send informational and promotional emails. The Customer may unsubscribe from receiving informational emails at any time.


Article 2

Conditions for the Use and Provision of Services


  1. The Customer represents that in the case of using the provided services for process management, or for providing services that require a special permit, he/she holds such a special permit.
  2. The Customer undertakes not to use the services in any manner that would lead to a violation of the Provider’s rights or could result in the disruption of other Provider’s customers, or to engage in any unlawful or even criminal activity.
  3. The Customer undertakes not to use the services for:
  1. the distribution of unsolicited mail – SPAM,
  2. the distribution of content that would be in conflict with applicable legal regulations,
  3. in any manner contrary to applicable legal regulations,
  4. the distribution of pornographic or warez material.
  1. The Customer shall be liable to the Provider for damages caused by software errors of the installed software, which was inserted or installed by the Customer during the use of the service.
  2. In the event that data inserted by the Customer cause or may cause damage (or in any way prevent the use of technical or software tools by which the Provider provides its services), the Provider shall have the right to require the Customer to remove such data, and the Customer shall be obliged to remove these data without delay, but in any event within 24 hours after sending an email notice to the Customer. If the Customer does not remove the data within the aforementioned period, the Provider shall have the right to suspend the provision of the ordered services to the Customer. The Customer will be notified by email of the suspension of the provision of ordered services. Following the suspension, the Customer is obliged to remove the data within 3 days, otherwise he/she agrees that the Provider may delete all data inserted by the Customer that meet the conditions set forth in the first sentence of this clause. In connection with such deletion of data, the Customer shall have no right to claim damages or any other material or non-material loss. In such a case, the Provider shall have the right to terminate the contract.
  3. The Customer is obliged, when ordering a service, to provide truthful contact information for invoicing and communication with the Provider. The Customer undertakes to keep these details constantly up to date and to update any change in identification details immediately on the portal
  4. Registration of the Customer using data of third-party natural or legal persons is prohibited. The Provider reserves the right to immediately cancel such registration, as well as the entire portfolio of services connected with it in relation to such Customer. The Provider is not liable for damages caused by such registration to the affected natural or legal person or to third parties; the person who executed such registration shall be liable for the damages.
  5. The Customer is obliged to protect his/her access details to the established services against misuse by a third party. The Provider shall not be liable for any damages arising if the access details are misused. The Customer shall be solely liable for any such damages.
  6. The Customer is fully responsible for the data and for the entire content material that is published on the website established through the services provided by the Provider under this contractual relationship. The Provider shall be fully released from any legal liability in this regard.
  7. The Provider will exert all necessary efforts to ensure the functionality of all its software and hardware means necessary for ensuring the provided services. Exceptions to this obligation are events beyond the control of the Provider which cannot be prevented under any circumstances. Such events include, but are not limited to, force majeure, disasters, failures of public telecommunications networks, or other actions necessary to ensure the operation of the services provided by the Provider (e.g. hardware maintenance, software updates, server configuration, replacement of server hardware components, etc.).
  8. The Provider is entitled to suspend the provided services in the event of sudden emergency situations or in unavoidable situations which, however, are planned in advance. The Customer shall have no right to claim compensation for the period during which the services are suspended. For unavoidable or planned suspension of the provided services (e.g. for the purpose of performing service interventions), the Customer will be notified by email.
  9. The Provider undertakes, to a reasonable extent, to secure the service and data against unauthorized intervention by a third party. In the event of a concurrent threat to the security or continuous operation of the service, the security of the service shall take precedence.
  10. The Provider is not liable for any financial losses, material losses or any other type of damage or for any damage that may occur due to the unavailability of the service, corruption or loss of the Customer’s data. In the event of service unavailability demonstrably caused by the Provider, the Customer shall be entitled to a discount on the fee in proportion to the period of unavailability.
  11. The Provider shall not be liable for loss of profit or any other tangible/intangible property or for any indirect damages arising from the improper use or inability to use the service due to unauthorized access, even if the Provider was warned about the possibility of such damages.
  12. The Provider is not liable for the content of the Customer’s website or the accuracy of the information published by the Customer on the website. It is not the Provider’s obligation to control the offered products or services, nor the information provided by the Customer about these products or services. The Customer bears full responsibility for the content that he/she publishes and which appears on his/her website.
  13. The Provider is not responsible for the quality of Internet transmissions provided by third parties’ technical means, for the Customer’s technical equipment or for the visitors of the portal (Customer’s website), or for any force majeure events that may affect the provision of services.
  14. The Customer hereby agrees to the use of advertising links and other forms of advertising on his/her website and shall not be entitled to require the Provider to remove such advertising links or other forms of advertising that are implemented in the services provided by the Provider.
  15. The Customer hereby undertakes and agrees to designate the Provider on the Customer’s website as the creator of the software application and to place a link to the Provider’s website.
  16. The Provider does not support, is not liable for, and does not guarantee the content, advertisements, products or services available via third-party websites.
  17. Any transactions between the Customer and an end customer conducted via the software application, including payments, service brokerage and other contracts, conditions, warranties, shall be exclusively between the Customer and the respective party. The Provider is not liable for any loss/damage of any kind arising on the basis of such transactions.
  18. The Customer hereby declares that he/she uses the Provider’s services at his/her own risk and responsibility.
  19. Any change in the scope of services shall be made via the contact email or directly upon login and shall be effective from the following day after the change is made.


Article 3

License Terms


  1. The Provider and the Customer hereby also conclude a license agreement pursuant to Section 65 et seq. of Act No. 185/2015 Coll. on Copyright (in the version of later regulations).
  2. The Provider hereby grants the Customer permission to use the web interface, which is one of the subjects of the provided service, for the purpose of creating an application for process management. The Customer is entitled to edit the entire frontend part of the software application.
  3. The Provider grants the Customer an unlimited license.
  4. The Provider grants the Customer permission for a fixed period, namely for the duration of this contractual relationship. Upon termination of the contractual relationship for any reason, the Customer shall simultaneously lose the right to use the web interface.
  5. The fee for granting the permission is included in the fee for providing services as specified in the Provider’s Price List.
  6. The license is granted as a non-exclusive license.
  7. The Customer is not entitled in any way to grant a sublicense to a third party without the prior express written consent of the Provider.
  8. The Customer is obliged to use the web interface in the usual manner for the agreed purpose, i.e. for creating his/her own application for process management.
  9. The Customer is not entitled in any way to interfere with the web interface, modify, delete, or copy the source code or to carry out any action that would constitute a violation of the Provider’s copyright.



Article 4

Related Services


  1. Within the scope of the web interface services, the Provider may offer the Customer services according to the current offer, including at least:
  1. SMS gateway, including  via a third party,
  2. an automated system for generating invoices for the Customer’s end customers,
  3. to secure payroll processing and wage administration, also via a third party,
  4. to secure employee recruitment, also via a third party,
  5. to secure personnel administration, also via a third party,
  6. to secure accounting processing, also via a third party,
  7. to secure software development, also via a third party,
  8. integration with systems for accounting, payroll, human resources and inventory,
  9. integration with a system for financing the purchase of goods and services via installment companies,
  10. integration with a system for financing receivables,
  11. integration with a system for providing loan products,
  12. integration with GPS monitoring,
  13. ensuring the promotion of products and services on the sales portals operated by the Provider,
  14. ensuring the promotion of products and services on advertisement (promotional) portals operated by the Provider,
  15. ensuring the promotion of products and services in affiliate systems operated by the Provider,
  16. mutual promotion of the Customer on the websites of other Customers using the Provider’s services, under agreed conditions.
  1. If the Customer is interested in the services specified in point 1 of this Article, the fee for these services is stated in the Provider’s Price List or will constitute a separate pricing agreement between the Customer and the Provider.


Article 5

Domain, Hosting


  1. The Provider shall secure hosting for the Customer through third parties: Amazon Web Services, Inc, Digitalocean, LLC and others. The Customer has no right to choose or change this hosting service provider. The detailed terms of the hosting services are published on the website of the company Amazon Web Services, Inc. and Digitalocean, LLC The Customer hereby declares that he/she has read the aforementioned terms, understands their content, and agrees to them.


Article 6

SMS Gateway Services


  1. The operator of the SMS gateway is a third party and the Provider only ensures the provision of the SMS gateway services.
  2. The range of supported operators in Slovakia and abroad depends on the status of external systems, which may not be under the control of the SMS gateway operator.
  3. The Customer undertakes not to promote or distribute SMS containing offensive, obscene, pornographic or illegal content, in accordance with the applicable laws in the country of SMS delivery. The Customer shall be solely responsible for the content of the information and SMS provided. Neither the Provider nor the SMS gateway operator monitors or is liable for the content of individual texts sent by the Customer.
  4. The Provider reserves the right to cancel, or fully block the Customer’s access to the SMS gateway services and related services if the Customer breaches any part of these VOP relating to the SMS gateway. In such case, the Customer shall have no right to claim damages or a refund of fees.
  5. The data processed are subject to telecommunications secrecy.
  6. For the purpose of sending SMS messages via the SMS gateway, the Customer shall have a dedicated sub-account on the Provider’s portal on which his/her current credit balance is always displayed.
  7. The credit will be gradually reduced by the value of the provided SMS gateway services in accordance with the Provider’s current Price List.
  8. The Customer may top up the credit at any time.
  9. At registration, the Customer is obliged to specify the credit amount to be used for paying for SMS gateway services, with the minimum fixed value being at least EUR 100. The Customer may change this designated credit amount at any time.
  10. In the event that the Customer’s credit falls below a certain threshold, the Customer will be notified of this fact via the contact email. Upon receipt of such an email, the credit will be automatically topped up to the amount specified by the Customer at the activation of the SMS gateway service. The topped-up credit will be automatically debited from the Customer’s payment card or from the active balance account (for details regarding the active balance account, see Article 9, point 5 of these VOP), unless the parties agree otherwise.
  11. The Provider does not refund unused credit to the Customer.
  12. The Customer is obliged to pay the fees related to the SMS gateway services in accordance with the current Provider’s Price List.


Article 7

Trial Version


  1. After successful registration, the Provider grants free access to the web interface for an agreed period. During this trial period, only some of the provided services will be accessible to the Customer.
  2. After the expiration of the 7-day trial period, the Customer will be prompted to provide additional information and to select specific services. For this purpose, i.e. to provide additional information and choose specific services, an additional period of 3 days will be granted to the Customer.  Upon the successful completion of all necessary steps, the Customer will be granted access to operate his/her own software application via the web interface and the ability to use the ordered services, under the conditions set forth in these VOP and, if applicable, in other related documents.
  3. In the event that, after the expiration of the 7-day trial period and the additional 3-day period, the Customer fails to successfully complete all the necessary steps pursuant to point 2 of this Article of the VOP, the Customer agrees that all of the Customer’s data – including those inserted during the trial period – will be deleted. The Provider shall in no way be liable for any damage or any other loss caused by the deletion of data.
  4. The Customer has the option, during the trial period and during the subsequent 3-day period, to download all data that was inserted during the trial period.


Article 8

Complaint Procedure


  1. The Customer undertakes to immediately inform the Provider of all faults and defects in the provided services via email at
  2. The Provider will ensure the elimination of any faults as soon as possible, taking into account the scope and nature of the fault. The response time may be extended due to the fact whether the error is on the part of the Provider or a third party.
  3. In the event of an error on the part of the Provider, the Customer is entitled, within the complaint procedure, to demand a discount on the price in the form of a written complaint submitted to the operator within 5 days from the day the Customer discovered the error, otherwise this right shall lapse.


Article 9

Fee and Payment Terms


  1. The Provider’s fee for individual services is specified in the Provider’s Price List.
  2. At the moment the Customer fills in the order form and after switching to live mode, i.e. after the trial period expires, the Customer is obliged to pay for the ordered services according to the Provider’s Price List, at least by direct payment via a payment card, unless otherwise agreed by the parties.
  3. The contracting parties agree that the minimum monthly service value is defined in the order. In the event that the Customer orders services that, according to the Provider’s Price List, do not reach this amount, the Customer will be invoiced for exactly the amount stated in the first sentence of this clause, regardless of the scope of services ordered by the Customer.
  4. The Customer agrees to receive tax documents electronically.
  5. The Customer will pay the Provider’s fee by the method chosen by him/her within the ordered services on the portal, unless the parties agree otherwise. The payment due date for invoices is 7 days from the date of issuance of the invoice.
  6. The invoiced amount will be automatically debited from the Customer’s payment card, from the active balance account maintained by the Provider, or the Customer will pay the invoiced amount via the Provider’s payment gateway (e.g. Tatra banka a.s.). The active balance account means an account on which the Customer transfers funds in a specified amount and from which fees for individual services provided by the Provider under these VOP and according to the Provider’s Price List are debited. In the event that the Customer’s funds in the active balance account drop below a certain threshold, the Customer will be notified and requested to transfer funds to his/her active balance account in at least the required amount. In the event that the Customer does not transfer the required funds within the specified period, that amount will be debited from his/her payment card and transferred to the active balance account.
  7. In the event that there are insufficient funds on the Customer’s payment card to pay the issued invoice, the Customer is obliged to pay the invoiced amount to the Provider via bank transfer. If the Customer does not pay the invoice by the due date, Reminder No. 1 will be sent, and simultaneously the Provider shall have the right to refuse and disable the provision of services to the Customer and his/her customers in full. The Customer will be informed of the deactivation of services by email.
  8. In the event that the Customer does not pay the invoice within 7 days of its issuance, the Provider shall have the right to terminate the contract.
  9. In the event that the invoice is not paid by the due date, the Provider shall be entitled to a contractual penalty equal to one times the unpaid invoiced amount. The imposition of the contractual penalty does not affect the Provider’s right to claim damages in addition to the contractual penalty.
  10. VAT payers not domiciled in the Slovak Republic shall be liable for providing correct data regarding their VAT status.
  11. All tax documents, proformas, payment reminders and overdue notices shall be sent by the Provider electronically.



Article 10

Processing of Data on Behalf of the Customer (Mediation Agreement pursuant to Article 28 GDPR)


  1. The Provider acts in relation to the data subjects of the Customer in the position of a Processor pursuant to Article 28 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter “GDPR”). For this reason, the contractual relationship between the Provider and the Customer in the provision of services is governed by the following:
    1. the Provider has a general permission to engage another processor (at least its subcontractors). In the event that the Provider engages another processor, the Provider is obliged, in the contract or other legal act with that additional processor, to impose the same obligations regarding data protection as are set forth in these VOP, while the Provider remains liable to the Customer if the additional processor fails to fulfill its data protection obligations;
    2. the Provider undertakes to process personal data solely for the purpose of providing the services ordered by the Customer. The subject of personal data processing is the service that the Provider will provide to the Customer;
    3. the Provider shall process personal data for no longer than the duration of the purpose;
    4. the Provider shall process personal data to the extent necessary to achieve the agreed purpose, as determined by the Customer. The Customer may restrict the scope of the processed personal data. Unless explicitly stated otherwise by the Customer, the Provider does not process special categories of data. Personal data may be processed only to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes specified in paragraph (g) of this clause, namely: (i) identification and contact data and other data related to accounting and commercial records; (ii) identification data and/or data relating to the activity of the data subject and/or data necessary for creating a database and/or mailing list and/or direct communication and/or other data related to the provision of the agreed services depending on the type of service provided; (iii) other data necessary for achieving the purpose of processing;
    5. given the nature of the services, the list of categories of data subjects may change. The Customer holds the current list of data subject categories. The categories of personal data include, inter alia, all natural persons whose personal data are processed in connection with the provision of the agreed activities and services, such as (i) the Customer’s clients; (ii) the Customer’s employees; (iii) the employees and statutory bodies of the Customer’s business partners; (iv) persons whose personal data are included in the database; (v) and other natural persons depending on the provided services;
    6. the Provider performs processing operations on the personal data necessary to fulfill the purpose of processing, namely: collection, aggregation, storage, database creation, and deletion under the conditions set forth in these VOP;
    7. the Provider is obliged to process personal data only to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of processing – the provision of services – and solely on the basis of the Customer’s instructions as contained in the order and these VOP, in a manner consistent with the usual method of service provision, even if this involves the transfer of personal data to an international organization. If personal data are transferred to an international organization pursuant to a specific regulation or international treaty binding on the Slovak Republic, the Provider is obliged to notify the Customer of this requirement prior to processing the personal data, unless such notification is not required for reasons of public interest under the specific regulation or international treaty binding on the Slovak Republic;
    8. the Provider is obliged to protect the processed personal data against damage, destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized access and disclosure, as well as against any other unlawful means of processing;
    9. the Provider declares that it guarantees the security of the processed personal data by implementing technical and organizational measures aimed at protecting the rights and personal data of the data subjects of the Customer against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration or unauthorized disclosure, taking into account the nature, scope, context and purpose of processing, the risks likely to compromise the security of personal data, and their significance. The Provider undertakes to take all steps necessary to secure the Customer’s personal data, as well as all data, databases, and postal files of the Customer against loss, damage, destruction, or any other unlawful processing;
    10. the Provider is obliged not to provide personal data to third parties, not to use personal data for any purpose other than the agreed purpose, not to exploit them for its own benefit or that of a third party, and not to handle the personal data in violation of this Article of the VOP;
    11. the Provider is obliged to ensure that the collected personal data are processed in a form that allows identification of the Customer’s data subjects only for the period necessary to achieve the purpose of processing;
    12. the Provider undertakes to cooperate with and provide the Customer with all necessary assistance in ensuring the Customer’s compliance with its obligations to respond to requests from the Customer’s data subjects in exercising their rights under Articles 15 to 22 and Article 34 of the GDPR, including notifying the Customer of each written request for access that may be submitted to the Provider in connection with the Customer’s obligations under the GDPR, Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on the Protection of Personal Data and on Amendments and Supplements to Certain Acts (hereinafter “Data Protection Act”) and other related regulations, within 48 hours (excluding non-working days and holidays) from the date of receipt of the request by the Customer;
    13. the Provider undertakes to cooperate with and provide the Customer with assistance in ensuring compliance with the obligations pursuant to Articles 32 to 36 of the GDPR, namely:
      1. to ensure the security of processing;
  2. The Provider is obliged to immediately notify the Customer if, in the Provider’s opinion, any instruction given by the Customer violates the GDPR, the Data Protection Act, any specific regulation or international treaty binding on the Slovak Republic relating to data protection. The Provider is obliged to immediately inform the Customer if a data subject of the Customer exercises his/her rights. The Provider shall notify the Customer no later than 48 hours after a personal data breach occurs;
  3. After the termination of the contractual relationship with the Customer, the Provider, based on the Customer’s decision, is obliged to delete the personal data, unless a specific regulation or international treaty binding on the Slovak Republic requires their retention;
  • Information on the rights of the data subject: The Customer acknowledges that the data subject (the person providing the data) shall have, pursuant to Articles 15 to 22 and Article 34 of the GDPR, the following rights in relation to the Customer (with the Provider undertaking to assist the Customer in fulfilling the data subject’s rights immediately upon the Customer’s request, but no later than 7 days):
    1. the right of access to personal data under Article 15 of the GDPR: The data subject shall have the right to obtain from the Customer confirmation as to whether personal data concerning him/her are being processed, and, if so, to obtain access to such personal data and the information specified in point 2 of this Article;
    2. the right to rectification of personal data under Article 16 of the GDPR: The data subject shall have the right to have the Customer promptly rectify inaccurate personal data concerning him/her. In view of the purpose of processing, the data subject shall have the right to supplement any incomplete personal data;
    3. the right to erasure of personal data under Article 17 of the GDPR: The data subject shall have the right to have the Customer promptly delete personal data concerning him/her if the data subject has exercised the right to erasure, provided that:
      1. the personal data are no longer necessary for the purpose for which they were collected or otherwise processed;
      1. if the data subject withdraws the consent on which the processing of personal data is based and there is no other legal basis for processing the personal data;
      2. if the data subject objects to the processing of personal data and does not provide any legitimate reasons for such processing, or if the data subject objects to the processing of personal data for the purpose of direct marketing;
      3. if the personal data are processed unlawfully;
      4. if deletion of the personal data is necessary to comply with an obligation under the GDPR, the Data Protection Act, a specific regulation or an international treaty binding on the Slovak Republic;
      5. if the personal data were collected in connection with the offer of services by the information society;
    1. the right to restrict processing of personal data under Article 18 of the GDPR: The data subject shall have the right to require that the Customer restrict the processing of personal data, if:
      1. the data subject objects to the accuracy of the personal data, for a period enabling the Customer to verify the accuracy of the personal data;
      1. if the processing of personal data is unlawful and the data subject objects to the deletion of personal data and instead requests that their use be restricted;
      2. if the Customer no longer needs the personal data for the purpose of processing, but the data subject requires them to exercise a legal claim;
      3. if the data subject objects to the processing of personal data until it is verified whether the legitimate reasons on the part of the Customer outweigh those of the data subject;
      4. the Customer shall be obliged to inform the data subject, whose personal data processing is restricted, prior to the lifting of such restriction. Pursuant to Article 19 of the GDPR, if requested, the Customer is obliged to inform the data subject about the recipients to whom the Customer has disclosed the correction, deletion, or restriction of personal data;
    1. the right to data portability under Article 20 of the GDPR: The data subject shall have the right to receive the personal data concerning him/her, which he/she has provided to the Customer, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to have the right to transmit those personal data to another controller;
    2. the right to object to the processing of personal data under Article 21 of the GDPR: The data subject shall have the right to object to the processing of his/her personal data on grounds relating to his/her particular situation based on a legal ground that the processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Customer or a third party, including profiling based on these provisions. The Customer shall not further process personal data unless it demonstrates that the legitimate interests prevail over those of the data subject or there are reasons for asserting a legal claim;
    3. the right, pursuant to Article 22 of the GDPR, for the data subject not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling, which produces legal effects concerning him/her or similarly significantly affects him/her;
    4. the right, pursuant to Article 34 of the GDPR, for the data subject to have the Customer notify him/her without undue delay in the event of a personal data breach if such breach may result in a high risk to the rights of a natural person.
  1. For any breach of any obligation arising for the Processor from this Agreement as well as from the GDPR, the Processor shall be fully liable. In the event that a fine is imposed on the Customer by the Office for Personal Data Protection of the Slovak Republic, the Processor shall be liable for such fine to the extent that it can be demonstrably and unquestionably attributed to its fault.


Article 11

Duration of the Contractual Relationship


  1. The contract between the Provider and the Customer is concluded for the period defined in the Order with automatic renewal for every subsequent (2) two-year term.
  2. Either party may notify the other that it is no longer interested in extending the contract for an additional 2 years, and such notice must be given at least 3 months before the end of the binding period.
  3. The Customer may terminate this contract by written notice, even without stating a reason. The termination notice may also be sent by email to the contact emails. The notice period is 3 months and shall commence from the beginning of the next invoicing period following the day the notice is received by the other party.
  4. The Provider is entitled to terminate the contract for legal reasons and, in particular:
  1. due to the reasons set out in or in the event of a breach of Article 2, points 2, 3, 5, 7 of these VOP,
  2. due to the reasons set out in or in the event of a breach of Article 3, points 7, 8, 9 of these VOP,
  3. due to the reasons set out in or in the event of a breach of Article 6, points 3, 4 of these VOP,
  4. due to the reasons set out in or in the event of a breach of Article 9, point 7 of these VOP,
  5. in the event of the deliberate tarnishing of the Provider’s reputation by the Customer.
  1. Termination of the contract shall be effective from the day following the day of receipt of the termination notice by the other party. Termination of the contract may also be sent by email.
  2. The Customer shall be entitled to a refund of the proportional part of the payment for the services for the unused period only if the operation of the service is terminated by the Provider’s notice.
  3. The Customer may transfer the service to a third party. This may only be done with the prior written consent of the Provider, which will be sent electronically to the Customer’s email. The new service provider must agree to these VOP before the Provider grants consent and must declare that they assume all obligations of the original Customer.
  4. The Customer has the option, during the term of this contractual relationship, to download all data entered therein. The Customer agrees and instructs the Provider that all data entered shall be deleted in full upon termination of this contractual relationship.
  5. Termination of this contract does not release the Customer from the obligation to pay the Provider the fee for the provided services, interest for delay, contractual penalty, damages, or any other claims arising from this contractual relationship.
  6. The Provider shall not be liable for any financial or non-financial losses incurred by the Customer as a result of the termination of the contractual relationship, regardless of the reason or manner of termination.


Article 12

Final Provisions


  1. The Provider reserves the right to amend these VOP, and is obliged to inform the Customer of such changes by means of information displayed on the main page of the administrative section after login.
  2. Any legal relations between the Provider and the Customer not regulated by these VOP shall be governed by Act No. 513/1991 Coll. – the Commercial Code, as amended, and the applicable legal regulations.
  3. This contractual relationship shall be governed by Slovak law and any court disputes shall be resolved by the competent Slovak courts.
  4. In the event of different language versions, the Slovak version of these VOP shall prevail.

Appendix No. 1 Service Order

Appendix No. 2 Service Price List